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Berwira usaha dengan modal di bawah satu juta



Bagaimana cara memulai usaha dengan modal di bawah satu juta? Untuk bisnis online mungkin dana satu juta sudah bisa memulai bisnis, misalnya untuk sewa domain, hosting, koneksi internet, dan lain-lain. Tapi untuk bisnis offline mungkin perlu pertimbangan. Karena ada yang suka bisnis online dan ada juga yang suka bisnis offline.

Kali ini saya akan berbagi informasi memulai usaha dengan modal di bawah satu juta. Ini hanya merupakan berbagi ilmu saya dari hasil membaca. Anda boleh menerima atau memberi saran lain kepada saya dan pembaca lain karena anda tentu lebih tahu dari saya.

Di zaman sekarang dimana harga yang selalu naik dan berubah-ubah hampir setiap hari, siapa yang tidak ingin berusaha/bisnis? Memang untuk saat ini untuk berusaha selalu dibutuhkan uang yang lebih untuk menjalankan suatu usaha tetapi juga perlu diingat, bahwa modal terutama dalam bentuk uang bukan syarat utama untuk menjalankannya. Keterampilan yang anda miliki serta semangat yang tinggi untuk berusaha saja menurut saya sudah merupakan modal awal yang penting.

Untuk usaha/bisnis dengan modal di bawah satu juta, ada beberapa yang bisa dilakukan. Baik barang maupun jasa. Untuk usaha dalam bentuk barang bisa saja anda menjual gorengan, kerupuk dari produsen dalam bentuk setengah jadi dan anda tinggal menggoreng, jual pulsa. Untuk usaha dibidang jasa antara lain kursus music, penitipan andak, belajar mengaji.

Usaha/bisnis yang menggunakan modal yang terbatas bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang, asalkan ada kemauan dan semangat yang tinggi untuk menjalankannya. Usaha seperti ini sebaiknya dilakukan di rumah.

Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk memulai usaha dengan modal di bawah satu juta, antara lain:

1. Hindari sewa tempat.

Usaha yang baru berjalan masih membutuhkan beberapa pembenahan terutama untuk promosi. Dengan modal yang terbatas alangkah baiknya anda menggunakan sarana yang telah dimiliki. Contohnya jual gorengan, anda bisa menggunakan rumah sebagai tempat jualan. Selain itu anda juga tidak perlu membeli peralatan masak lagi karena anda bisa menggunakan yang sudah ada di rumah. Jadi pengeluaran bisa dihemat.

2. Utamakan kerja sama daripada menggaji karyawan.

Maksudnya anda tidak perlu menggunakan jasa orang lain dulu. Bila tempat usaha di rumah, anda bisa meminta bantuan anggota keluarga seperti anak. Biasanya anak akan membantu bila rahu anda akan membuka usaha. Apabila memang harus meminta bantuan dari orang lain, usahakan utnuk tidak menggaji mereka dengan menggunakan modal yang ada, tetapi dengan system bagi hasil. Hal ini baik untuk bidang usaha jasa karena yang lebih diutamakan adalah kerja sama.

3. Pilih konsep waktu yang tepat untuk usaha.

Waktu yang dimaksud adalah yang anda jalankan di saat apa? Seperti usaha penitipan anak. Berarti waktunya adalah pada saat orang sedang ke kantor. Untuk usaha jual gorengan atau makanan, siang atau sore. Bila usaha dilakukan di rumah, biasanya antara pagi atau sore.

Dengan modal yang terbatas, anda tidak mesti harus menjadi pelaku usaha. Anda juga bisa sebagai perantara usaha orang lain.

Copyright @2010 usaha modal satu juta

How To Monetize Facebook



While it may appear to be an overwhelming task to make money using social media marketing, following are some examples of how to successfully create and Monetize a Facebook strategy. Of course, in addition to making money, your Facebook social media strategy is a powerful tool to generate awareness of your product or service.

One of the more successful examples of a company monetizing Facebook is Burger King. In short their Facebook strategy was that they asked users to sacrifice 10 friends to earn a free Whopper. This brought people into the restaurant and because most folks ordered fries and drinks with their free Whoppers, the company profited greatly from this social media strategy. In fact, this Facebook strategy was so successful that Facebook promptly shut it down.

Dunkin Donuts uses a similar social media strategy where it sends coupons to its fan base, which encourages Facebook users to come to the restaurant. Provided you can upsell a customer once they are in your store or restaurant, offering discounted or even free product to reward a desired Facebook user behavior is an effective method of bringing your customers to you.

Another successful social media strategy to Monetize Facebook is to create an e-commerce application to sell your product within Facebook itself; users generally do not like to leave Facebook once they are there. For example, Pizza Hut’s Facebook strategy was an application they developed to allow users to order pizza to be delivered to them, directly from their Facebook account. If you can sell your product directly on Facebook using an application, your social media strategy will be much more successful than if you ask your users to leave and go to your website to place an order.

Lastly, another highly effective tool to Monetize Facebook is the targeted advertising functionality. This is a great social media strategy that allows you to show your ad to your specific audience. With ads relevant to the people viewing them, this Facebook strategy can generate real demand for your product or service. Facebook’s tools allow you to see exactly who is viewing and who is clicking on your ads, so be sure to regularly measure your progress, analyze which are the more successful ads, and make modifications as necessary to maximize your results.

AlterSeekers is a brand promotions agency in New York focusing on promotions consulting and planning, web strategy, social media marketing (including Facebook strategy), go to market strategy, and overall strategic planning.

By: Nicholson

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AlterSeekers is a brand promotions agency in New York focusing on promotions consulting and planning, social media New York, web strategy, social media strategy New York (including Facebook strategy New York), go to market strategy, and overall strategic planning.

Monetize facebook

Choosing a business opportunity


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A lot of people quite often than not take a business opportunity in a hurry by which they loose a quite large amount of money and hardly making some profit, if there are any.

A lot of people quite often than not take a business opportunity in a hurry by which they loose a quite large amount of money and hardly making some profit, if there are any. A lot of thought must be put in when you come across a business opportunity and you must not any decisions in rush. Actually there are a quite a bit of online scams in which exists in this world were people totally disregard the interests of others. It is a moral responsibility of each one of us to make sure that we do not take up any opportunities which are not legitimate and disregard the interests of other people in the industry. There are a lot of people who are seriously on the look out for opportunities which are legitimate in online businesses like looking out for ways to work from home and make good amount of money online.

If you have a look at the most of the online businesses which are of supreme quality, they are legitimate businesses which were started as solution to a specific problem which people were encountering online. This specific problem was considered as an excellent business opportunity by these online businesses. A business opportunity would automatically be failure if it fails to address any of these points:

1. Does the business help people in solving their problems?

2. If it does not address a particular problem in a proper way

3. Does it offer products which would help people?

Even ever you think about an online business opportunity you should make sure that cost that is paid to take the opportunity is well justified and very reasonable. If there is an online business opportunity which is making you pay a lot more money than usual, you would need to all the special precautions possible. Even to set up a website you would only need about $ 300 to $ 500. You always keep in our mind that you should be extra cautious when some body is demanding for a large amount of money without giving you a lot other than a much more flashy website. You should just take up an online opportunity for the sake it, you must think if it is need to your type of business or not. Only when it is a necessity you must go ahead and take it.

The best type of business that would need you to get involved with an online business opportunity, by far, would be the automated businesses. In these automated businesses the entire presentation, ordering, sales etc. These types of businesses which are automated to a large extent will save you from doing simple things and might as well spend more family. A business being highly automated is very important to be made sure at the start of it. The automated businesses will also save a lot of your time from doing monotonous work and will keep you mind fresh for any kinds of research and analysis on improving the business. There should be no hesitation on your apart in taking up this kind of online business opportunity.

The automated businesses will also save a lot of your time from doing monotonous work and will keep you mind fresh for any kinds of research and analysis on improving the business. There should be no hesitation on your apart in taking up this kind of online business opportunity.

By Phil Hoskins Choosing business opportunity

Info usaha paid to survey AW Surveys



Info usaha untuk anda yang ingin punya penghasilan tambahan. Anda tinggal memberi sedikit komentar (survey) anda dibayar. meskipun saya belum membuktikannya. Anda bisa cari info mengenai AW Surveys ini. Ada yang mengatakan ini scam tapi ada pula yang membuktikan bahwa AW Surveys memang membayar. Kalo anda ingin mencoba silakan, toh gratis malah ketika baru daftar diberi $6 tak tau itu tanda-tanda program ini scam atau memang program ini kaya. tapi kalau anda takut waktu anda terbuang sia-sia karena ternyata AW Surveys scam, ya tidak usah. Sampai disini dulu postingan saya. Kita tunggu kabar berikutnya.

jobs you



jobs, business, or how to make money that suits you

Welcome to our blog ....
Blog for the "search" money ....

This blog contains a collection of job opportunities, online business, and how to make money via the Internet. We dedicate this blog for you who need a job or want to increase income. You live to read and select the type of job opportunities, jobs imageonline business or how to make money through the internet that we offer.

We understand your situation and feelings that are looking for a job. How difficult it is to find a job in this day and age. The situation caused many job seekers, while some job openings. You arrived at our blog it means you really need a job or you want to add additional income because you think you have enough income to make ends meet. Please read and search of job opportunities, online business, or how to make money that we offer on our blog.

I hope our blog can help you find a suitable job for you. We pray that we all can live well and be dilindunganNya. Amen jobs

lowongan kerja | job | bisnis



lowongan kerja banyak sekali dicari, tapi sedikit sekali yang menawarkan. meskipun ada, mungkin harus bersaing untuk mendapatkannya.

Selamat datang di blog kami....
Blog untuk para "pencari" uang....

Blog ini berisi kumpulan lowongan kerja, bisnis online, dan cara menghasilkan uang lewat internet. Blog ini kami persembahkan untuk anda yang membutuhkan lowongan kerja atau ingin menambah penghasilan. Anda tinggal baca dan pilih jenis lowongan kerja, bisnis online atau cara menghasilkan uang lewat internet yang kami tawarkan. Meskipun postingan ini tidak update, tapi informasi di bagian atas dan samping kanan selalu update. Silakan pilih yang anda mau.

lowongan job bisnis

Kami mengerti keadaan dan perasaan anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Betapa susahnya mencari pekerjaan di zaman sekarang ini. Keadaan itu diakibatkan banyaknya pencari kerja sedangkan sedikit lowongan kerja. Anda sampai di blog kami ini berarti anda benar-benar membutuhkan pekerjaan atau anda seorang yang ingin menambah penghasilan tambahan karena anda rasa penghasilan anda belum cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Silakan baca dan cari jenis lowongan kerja, bisnis online, atau cara menghasilkan uang yang kami tawarkan di blog kami.

Semoga blog kami dapat membantu anda menemukan pekerjaan yang cocok untuk anda. Kami berdoa agar kita semua dapat hidup sejahtera dan berada dilindunganNya. Amin

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